WFEC Board of Trustee officers re-elected for the upcoming year, include (from left): John Graham, who serves on the Board of Lea County Electric Cooperative in Lovington, N.M., was named as assistant secretary-treasurer; King Martin, a trustee from Red River Valley Rural Electric Association in Marietta, who was re-elected as secretary-treasurer; Donnie Bidegain, who serves on the Board of Farmers’ Electric Cooperative in Clovis, N.M., was reelected as president; and Jeff Willingham, who represents Southeastern Electric Cooperative in Durant, was elected as vice president . This slate of Board of Trustee officers will serve throughout 2023 and a portion of 2024 (through April), at which time WFEC will have their Annual Meeting and Organizational Meeting once again.
Board Members
Board of TrusteeS AlternateS
Gary Olson, Alfalfa Electric Cooperative
Gary Highley, Canadian Valley Electric Cooperative
Michael Bennett, Central Valley Electric Cooperative (N.M.)
Kooney Duncan, Choctaw Electric Cooperative
Aaron Roark, Cimarron Electric Cooperative
John Schaufele, CKenergy Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Tony High, Cotton Electric Cooperative
Tim Smith, East Central Oklahoma Electric Cooperative
Antonio Sanchez, Farmers’ Electric Cooperative (N.M.)
Aaron Paxton, Harmon Electric Association, Inc.
Jason Boesch, Kay Electric Cooperative
Brett Orme, Kiamichi Electric Cooperative
Bobby Ferris, Lea County Electric Cooperative (N.M.)
Brad Harrison, Northfork Electric Cooperative
Gil Perkins, Northwestern Electric Cooperative
John Jensen, Oklahoma Electric Cooperative
Brent Sykora, Red River Valley Rural Electric Association
Eric Segovia, Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative (N.M.)
Scott Christian, Rural Electric Cooperative
James Fox, Southeastern Electric Cooperative
Dan Lambert, Southwest Rural Electric Association, Inc.
Keith Anderson, Altus Air Force Base